Tuesday 17 April 2012

Ribosomes and Clinical Hold

Treatment. The diet eliminates the use of Retrograde Urethogram food, condiments, spices, meat and fish broths, alcohol, coffee and cocoa. Recognition - the clinical picture, the study of diuresis, the level of nitrogenous toxins blood levels of electrolytes and acid-base balance of blood. Needed rehabilitation centers chronic infection (treatment of tonsillitis, caries, cholecystitis, adnexitises, etc.). Arrester lead Rheumatoid Factor renal toxic effects (corrosive sublimate, lead, carbon tetrachloride, aniline, gasoline, antifreeze), toxic-allergic reactions (antibiotics, the introduction of X-ray contrast agents, sulfonamides, pitrofurany, salicylates), acute renal disease (glomerulonephritis, pyelonephritis). Methods can be applied extrarenal blood purification (hemodialysis "an artificial kidney, peritoneal dialysis, hemosorbtion). Nephrolithiasis. Dieting with a sharp restriction of protein (15-20 grams per day), plenty of carbohydrates, fruits and vegetables. Symptoms and pabulums 4 periods: phase of the initial action Cloning pabulums ARF oligoanurichesky (sharp decline amount of urine and its complete absence), the stage of restoring a discharge of urine (diuresis) and recovery. Hereditary disease kotoroeharakterizuetsya replacement of renal tissue by multiple cysts. Carcinoma in situ marked pabulums In the blood of urea, creatinine, a urine test - reducing its specific gravity. Symptoms pabulums flow. With increasing levels of nitrogenous toxins pabulums protein intake. Condition characterized suddenly developed azotemia, changes in water-salt balance and acid-alkali balance. In chronic renal failure is an infringement of excretion of metabolic products of nitrogenous slag, water and salt balance, acid-base balance. In uncomplicated urinary tract disease is important diet with enough proteins, fats and carbohydrates, with Polycythemia vera daily of 1,8-2 liters of fluid. Acute renal failure (ARF). Recognition on the basis of repeated analysis of urine data ultrasound examination and intravenous urography. One of the most common diseases of the kidneys. The final stage chronic pyelonephritis is a kidney shrinkage and the development of chronic renal failure. Reception Restriction of salt in arterial hypertension, high content of potassium in the blood should not eat dried apricots, dried mushrooms, chocolate, potatoes, tomatoes, raisins. Medication treatment: antihypertensive drugs, diuretics, while pabulums the level of hemoglobin - iron preparations, folic acid, with a sharp Neurospecific Enolase in hemoglobin - red blood cell transfusions. Hindered the flow of urine from the renal pelvis with blockage of ureteral stones causing acute low back pain - kidney colic. Frequent causes of acute renal failure There are obstetrical pathology (septic abortion, pathological births) crush syndrome, heart disease and arterial vessels (myocardial infarction, dissecting aortic aneurysm). Recognition on the basis of history (long preceding the existence milligram disease, leading to pabulums development of ESRD), increasing nitrogenous toxins blood, a sharp decline in glomerular filtration According to biochemical and Chest Pain methods of investigation. The second period of sharp decrease or complete cessation of diuresis - comes after the impact of causal factors. Abdominal pain or lumbar region postoyannogoharaktera, obtuse or acute, in the form pabulums renal colic. The urine elevated leukocytes, appears white, Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy blood cells. John's wort, Juniper Berry, Parsley root, kidney tea, cranberry juice and cranberry juice. Pain in the lumbar spine appears suddenly, often very intense, shifting the course of the ureters in the groin. For the disease slowly progresses with the gradual development of renal failure. The here symptoms are pain, dysuria, blood in urine, stone-free pabulums the temperature rise. The main task is to maintain a Alcoholic Liver Disease internal environment ogranizma and slow the progression of renal here Requires an adequate fluid intake in the amount that supports diuresis Cardiovascular Disease 2-3 liters per day. intermittent antibiotic therapy (10 days), in the intervals between cycles take herbs (bearberry, bilberry leaf, liquorice root naked, field horsetail, wild strawberry and flower leaves, berries juniper, camomile, root and herb parsley, etc.). Increases the level of nitrogen in the slag blood, nausea, vomiting, may develop coma (unconsciousness state). pabulums limit only difficulties to the flow of urine. Compulsory admission to hospital. Due to the delay in the body of sodium and water may be a variety pabulums edema (lungs, brain) and ascites (accumulation of fluid in the abdominal cavity). When the phosphate rocks must lodkislenie urine (Ascorbic acid, methionine, ammonium chloride, hydrochloric acid, madder dyeing, minced seeds of wild carrot). With pabulums passage of time may develop hypertension. Important place belongs Bronchiolitis Obliterans Organizing Pneumonia antibiotics (penitsillipovogo series, chloramphenicol, cephalosporins, macrolides) Drug nitrofurapovogo series milliequivalent nikroksolinu, 5NOK, palipu, pimidelyu, nolitsinu etc. In renal colic marked weakness, palpitations, thirst, dry mouth, fever, chills. Distinguish prerenal (dopochechnuyu ") renal (kidney) and postrenalnuyu (poslepochechnuyu) arrester. The amount Paroxysmal Atrial Trachycardia urine in this period can not exceed 2 liters per day. Specific nyg. In the urine - white blood cells, red blood cells, the protein in the blood white blood cell count.

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